The exhibition “Balance By Struggle” delves into the intricate relationship between two iconic figures of De Stijl, Theo van Doesburg and Piet Mondriaan, delving deep into the crux of their divergence: the interplay between formality and informality, a universal struggle faced by artists, across eras and artistic movements.
Presented at the Gemeentemuseum Den Haag on September 16 and 17, the “Balance by Struggle” exhibition introduced a fresh perspective on the clashes and mindset within De Stijl, reevaluating them through the lenses of contemporary and 20th-century artists. This unique approach sought to elevate the audience’s encounter with De Stijl beyond its visual dimension, fostering a heightened awareness. The intention was to counteract the potential risks of excessive commodification and oversimplification of De Stijl’s legacy.
Attendees were invited to explore works by renowned artists, considering their connection to the transformative mentalities of Piet Mondrian and Theo van Doesburg. The exhibition offered a range of experiences, from perusing documented materials and engaging with audio and video installations, to immersing themselves in virtual reality, standing as a canvas before Jackson Pollock, and even receiving a personalized artwork from Jeff Koons.